Sunday, October 19, 2014

Draconian Choices

Draconian Choices

Within my community is a lack of accountability and acknowledgement of one's own error and the potential for them. It's sickening and coupled with ones perception of either knowing it all or their accusations of another exhibiting the same, r downright crippling. This is why we, as a people, are failing miserably at this thing called life.. These severe issues are why we just can't get right.. We allow our small visions of grandeur to keep us from the highest ascension and to add lemon to a rusty switchblade type cut, we point the finger at everyone else.. I too was there but as i transitioned into the roaring 20's i learned better and so i performed. I comprehend that there exists really traumatic and debilitating circumstances out here that hinder, get n the way of and seemingly prevent one from moving forward but it's become my belief that those things are mere tools utilized by the one flinging reason, paired with reasoning, in our midst so that we continue to fail but the choice always has been and always will remain with us. So then remain n your hardened state of being, only spare me your constant grumblings and petty grievances cause i've no time.. Either wake up or allow silence to be as honeyed nectar upon ur lips. Thanks for your time. U may now return to ur selectively scheduled program..

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The World

The World

To begin, its not the globe with which uve been pressed to believe but rather the thoughts, ideas, ideals and vanities of men. It is a platform from which men rule according to reason, logic and according principality. It is a rapidly decaying system of organized things which produce chaotic seperation. The world is a place where money, power, fame and respect are valued more than truth and the absolute pursuit of. Within the world exist varying degrees of darkness from which spews the very obscenities that threaten our very lives and oft times it comes forth n the form of religion, b it law, politics or church.. The world is confused, lost and blind and yet stumbles about n so much blindness via arrogance, it may never know.. I am an outsider having been cast out and yet i battle the same things as the worlds elite with the only difference being ive help and am learning humility.. The world.. A very simple riddle: Death over life and non plused u shall b..

Public Reminder

Public Reminder

Always remember that its not u when haters (as some display hate) perceive and conspire to c ur demise. For it is not they who attack but rather the darkness that compels them.. U c, none r perfect and n fact all r flawed which leaves room for growth.. Just remember from whence ur help comes and even when u stray, ur covered so cease the blame game and the self hatred and/or doubt. U were worth it which means u've been marked priceless.. Now lets focus upon that for the errs of this world swiftly fade away, blown to and fro with the currents of spiritual wickedness.. B ye separate because uve been called as such.. So then life and that more abundantly is ur portion. Live..

Friday, January 17, 2014

I Am..

I am

I am my people. The faith, obediance, disobediance, doubt and unwillingness to let go go. I am my people. The pride, arrogance, passion, humility and tendency to forget what was done just yesterday having been caught up in today worrying about tomorrow. I am my people. Multi-hued via multiple kisses of the sun and i love my wooliness. I am my people. Pain, agony and oppression seem to flow as easily as the river Jordan and once upon a time i crossed there within the loins of my forefathers as the sun guarded their rear. I am my people. Reared by the strength of my mother, i grew up within a world situated for me to fail and subtly so.. I am my people. Obstacles set forth before me n hopes (of the dark pursuasion) of failure when reality was victory and that more abundantly.. I am my people. I too engaged idols and readily worshipped them and even did my dance. I am my people. N my haughty ignorance, i rose up within myself and beleived myself to b a god and thought accordingly and as my people, was brought low and experienced chains behind which existed no physical being. I am my people and i now chuse to do what my people so long ago seemed to give up on: returning home. As i am them and they r me, perhaps my actions will speak louder than these words.. My people, i am..


These hood mentalities lead to these hood type fallacies cause these youngstas and oft times ole heads desire to battle these.. truths.. But what r u proving and to whom does it apply?? The bark being bigger than the bite is a real sentiment when u consider the broader scope of life. People so busy caught up n their own worlds that they've failed to notice how irregardless of how unique they claim to b, they've long ago merged with the world having totally lost their identity only to become exactly who the world says they r: nobody special heading to an infinite flowing desert.. The sad part is that they dont even realize their error and many more dont even care.. These type folks dont even seem to want the truth because their attitudes wont accept it but there arrives a swift consolation prize.. N the end, all u will have r words and 1 last choice.. I pray u use it wisely...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Declaration

My declaration

N this international sea of bodies, i refuse to become nething less than me. I understand the disappointment, dispair and longing of the afflicted. I recognize the cruel irony of those n authority. I sympathize and know, concisely, the seemingly never ending cycle n this journey called life. I comprehend the struggle of those suffering and i get it because my itenirary consisted of as much, however, i will not again lose myself to the top bottoms; never again. Its a truth when i say that ive lived at the bottom, lodebar, and even wallowed there n my self pity. Its a truth when i say that i was the sole authority n my life having deemed authority unauthoritative thus rendering them unworthy of my reverence. Its a truth when i say i found religion to b likened unto a kingdom, pure n its own mind only to b found to b the synagogue of satan n their actions because of their hearts. Its a truth when i say i spoke of destruction towards a destructive establishment being that they readily issued me, legally, the same decree. Its a truth that its not getting ne better and how can it when people refuse to pause? Within the midst of this seemingly endless sea of bodies, i refuse to lose myself. I refuse because ive only recently begun to discover.. now if u will direct ur attention forward u will now see the parting: 3 2 1..

Good Bye Old Friend..

The time had arrived for me to move on and so i had to. It hurt and tears even met my eyes but i was faced with a decision: u and the uncomfortableness that came affiliated with ur company or me and my future.. There once was a time, for comforts sake, when i chose u. I akinned our history to love and thought, amongst mortals, nothing higher but revealation set in and my eyes were opened. Its not so much that i saw u for who u were but rather who u were conflicted with who i was to become. And then u, appearing to know me, willfully pressed in upon me with ur reason of flesh amongst reasoners of flesh and i finally received that im not God. My powers have never consisted of external change as people go but rather those of persuasion and edification but alas, u used my compassion against me.. At the end of the day, i still love u and could never hate u but no longer will u dine at my table of my own dicision. Good bye old friend..

U, a god?

U, a god?

Is it not written that ye are gods? And yet we have the audacity to not only claim said stutus but we walk around with gas on our chest cause we caught all up n our pride. Whats up with that? R we really ready for that responsibility? Matter fact, r we even aware of what it entails? Going a little further, n our weak, incompetant mortality, after searching out true Godhead, will we honestly continue n our stark raving antics? To do so invites the ntense opposition of darkness and if u've not experienced this immediate response, ur n danger.. N laymans terms, ur n the camp of foe and thats a terrible place to b.. Sure, the money is nice and the power seemingly unsurpassable but a double edged sword is upon u.. U will know misery and woe here and should u not turn back, u will enter nto eternal turmoil and trust me when i tell u its real.. So ur left with a clear choice: Life or death.. Chuse wisely oh great one..iii