Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just a few lines..

Just a few lines..

If u ever took the time to know me without reservation or preconceived notions, u'd find me to b an exquisite ill fitting anomoly, personable, but ill non the less. Y so? Since birth, i've worn chaos, bore confussion, supped with misery and frequently lay with woe. At first i didn't have a choice but as age ushered n knowledge, i honestly never knew the choice was mine and yet i refused to accept me as a loser.. I pushed harder, rode longer, bore more pain than many of my counter parts who n their simplicity, had the one thing i longed for: family.. C, they had a support system, even if only two or three while me on the other hand was negated to a mother who ousted herself from her ppl, siblings who were more my children than my brother and sister and a bloodline who ex-communicated me as if that was the most painful thing imaginable and for many moons it was. I wondered through this earth searching through every nook and cranny, leaving no stone unturned n pursuit of my happiness and only came up with a few morsels that would lead to the breakdown of the century.. I turned to ppl n order to feel validated. I turned to sex cause if it felt that good, maybe my worth would b reflected through consistent appreciation. I turned to weed because it revealed a side of me that had been caged n all of my life and to add unto that revealation came a window of opportunity for darkness to wage war against my immortal.. Then i turned to riotous living as i became a 21st century gypsy n the way of my ppl who were found wondering n the wilderness and were as nothing. As my beloved elders, i too was located.. U c, ill fitting becomes me because i never did quite fit the mold and if only u could c me u'd know i'm too damn big.. I am anomoly because i'm quite peculiar and am not here to b understood more than my need for love and acceptance as i am and so i receive u as u r.. Will u join a megar ole outcast as myself? I hope u will.. Lets get on with discovering this exceptional discover..

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