Draconian Choices
Within my community is a lack of accountability and acknowledgement of one's own error and the potential for them. It's sickening and coupled with ones perception of either knowing it all or their accusations of another exhibiting the same, r downright crippling. This is why we, as a people, are failing miserably at this thing called life.. These severe issues are why we just can't get right.. We allow our small visions of grandeur to keep us from the highest ascension and to add lemon to a rusty switchblade type cut, we point the finger at everyone else.. I too was there but as i transitioned into the roaring 20's i learned better and so i performed. I comprehend that there exists really traumatic and debilitating circumstances out here that hinder, get n the way of and seemingly prevent one from moving forward but it's become my belief that those things are mere tools utilized by the one flinging reason, paired with reasoning, in our midst so that we continue to fail but the choice always has been and always will remain with us. So then remain n your hardened state of being, only spare me your constant grumblings and petty grievances cause i've no time.. Either wake up or allow silence to be as honeyed nectar upon ur lips. Thanks for your time. U may now return to ur selectively scheduled program..
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